
Nuvo Energy Project - Digital Humanity

Tackling a project hindered by legacy code and performance issues, our team focused on strategic optimization and database restructuring. We enhanced user experience, improved performance, and achieved cost efficiencies. Discover Digital Humanity’s transformative approach to tech challenges.

LP Advisory

LP Advisory Project Image - Digital Humanity

LP Advisory aims to provide a platform for suppliers to be assessed and evaluation based on key performance and business health indicators including operational, governance and stakeholder strategy and practices, to name just a few. These results are made available to interested buying organisations, to inform procurement decisions based on these indicators.

Functionality requirements were for users to register, get website admin approval and use platform service. Suppliers are able to complete their assessment for a variety of business units online and become visible to registered buyers through a page dedicated to supplier search and filter. Buyers can complete their business profile, and search/filter supplier organisations, obtain a detailed assessment report on an individual supplier and do a high level comparison between suppliers.

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